York County happenings: Concert series; robotics workshop; barbershop chorus

2022-05-28 03:26:39 By : Mr. Steven Liu

Senior Commons at Powder Mill 

Outdoor concert series to begin

Senior Commons at Powder Mill, 1775 Powder Mill Road, will hold begin its free outdoor summer concert series next week.

The Spring Garden Band will perform at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 31.

Individuals are asked to bring a lawn chair or blanket to the event.

A basket raffle will be held to benefit the Alzheimer's Association. 

York College will be holding a two-day robotics workshop for high school students entering grades 9 to 11 in the upcoming school year.

The workshop will run 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, July 8, and Saturday, July 9.

Participants will learn about sensing, computing and robotics using the open-source electronics platform Arduino, mBots, Humanoids and bio-inspired sensors. 

Interested students should fill out the application form at https://bit.ly/38dYqI6 by Tuesday, May 31.  

The Hanover Borough in collaboration with the Hanover YMCA will be holding a summer playground program, 9-11:30 a.m. June 6 through July 29.

The program will be held at the following locations: Moul Field, the Elm Avenue Playground, the DeGuy Avenue Playground and Myers Memorial Playground. 

Children in kindergarten through eighth grade are welcome to attend. Children under 6 are also welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. 

For more information, contact Lisa Botelho at LBotelho@HanoverYMCA.org or Melissa Hartlaub at MHartlaub@HanoverYMCA.org. 

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The Hanover Barbershop Chorus will be holding an open house at 7 p.m. Mondays during the month of June at Hanover Brethren Church, 601 Wilson Ave. in Hanover.

Individuals young or old, male or female who are interested in singing without instrumental accompaniment are welcome to attend. 

For more information, call 708-363-3220.