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Wow! Admiral Dewey’s salary amounts to $37.50 a day. President McKinley’s is equal to $131 a day; cabinet officers – the vice president and the speaker of the house get $22.22, senators and congressmen $13.90.
The corn crop of this area will be the biggest yield ever known. It is a grand site to look at. Threshing has been slowed by the heavy rains the first part of the week. The yield so far has been good and a fair quality.
The five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Link died at their home yesterday of inflammation of the bowels. He had been ill one day. The funeral and interment was at St. John’s Church.
The 80-acre Geiger farm in Sand Creek is for sale at reasonable terms. J.B. Geiger.
Krumweide’s crew have finished the carpenter work on the Welsh residence and George Joseph is putting stucco on the walls.
Hoffman’s crew is busy on the new addition to Moses and Edelman’s store, Heldale and Jennys are doing the masonry.
The Arens Brothers have purchased the Tanzer farm between this city and the river, paying $2,500 for the place. They will use it for raising sugarbeets and stock, for which purpose the farm is well adapted.
The electric storm yesterday morning did the most damage to the electric light system since it was installed. At the mill it burned out all the lights on the grinding floor and the current shocked miller Reisinger and packer Kleschalte that it threw them to the floor. In the engine room engineer Odenwald felt a shock. The entire system of light and power at this office and our home were burned off. Moses and Edelman’s entire circuit was off. The Merchants’ Hotel had half their light and at Rupperts three lamps were ruined.
Tuesday afternoon little Norman Engler and two of Butcher Langers children all under seven years old entered Mr. Engler’s farm and the door locked. While playing they lite a match, straw and paper. A passer-by saw smoke and the fire put out and they were saved.
Sharf’s feed mill will open this fall next Tuesday and will grind every Tuesday following.
Shock threshing is about finished. The crop is not as good as expected. Wheat yields are from eight to sixteen bushels an acre and rye will average twenty-eight bushels. Oats reached up to seventy-five bushels. Corn and potatoes are in good shape.
Werner Nolden Livery and Bus Line is available for weddings, pleasure, funerals – all your needs – Telephone 17-2. Our barn is on Varner Street opposite Water street.
When your shoes need repairing call on FRANK HELDALE in Jordan to repair them.
Leave your order for Gasoline Engines, Windmills, Tubular Wells at the office of William H. Hilgers in the Merchants Hotel. Order will be promptly attended to.
A lady teacher with a second grade certificate, preferably German speaking, is wanted in District No. 22, St. Joe. Call J.A. Flaschenreim.
The enlargement of the Sister’s school grounds was made possible by the purchase of the Erkens property. The buildings were torn down for an enlarged playground.
Dr. McCarthy announced his candidacy for Superintendent of Schools in the coming elections. J.F. Whitlock, a former resident and businessman here is a candidate for the state legislature. FJ Leonard has filed for the attorneyship on the Democratic ticket and Robert Smail has filed for representation as a Republican.
Beer and Jaenicke rebuilt and remodeled their threshing outfit and are at Barclay Varner’s farm this week.
One more week of vacation, school starts September 8th.
The Shakopee Gun Club held a shoot last Sunday. Fire shooters from the Jordan area attended and were pleased with their showing, but came out on the low end against twelve Shakopee shooters.
Jordan’s Garden Show held in the high school auditorium last Saturday had one hundred twenty beautiful entries on display. The club has a membership of seventy families from Jordan and surrounding communities. It was started in 1940.
The past week has been all fine weather days. A little rain, temperatures at noon seldom went over 80. Folks say the best summer climate.
Prepare for Scott County Fair in Jordan next weekend. Friday is entry day with an Industrial Parade in the evening. Free grandstand acts every evening and a Doll Parade on Sunday. Something for everyone to come and see.
City Slickers will try for the third straight year for a victory in the Towner-Farmer baseball game in Jordan at 8:15 tomorrow night. Matt Busch, Roman Radermacher, Sid Nolden, Gene Schmidt, and a host of others will defend Jordan. Edmond Deutsch, Ed Jenny and Nick Theis lead off the farmers.
Audrey Dubbe is looking for work after school and on Saturdays. Telephone 147-2 in Jordan.
Two steel culverts were laid under the roadway in Lagoon Park last Tuesday to carry off excess water which has been causing flooding recently. It is also planned to have a ditch dug with a top spread of about fifteen feet in the trouble area. This should assist in the draining off of water through the culverts.
Dorothy and Clarence Kaiser spent two days in Minneapolis visiting their George Kaiser cousins and attending the State Fair.
A milk truck driven by Elmer Odenburg and a car driven by Mrs. William Sobieck collided on Water street Tuesday morning. The new car received $200 damage.
Area dances this weekend are being held at the Sea Girt Inn on Orchard Lake on August 30th and the Village Barn on Hwy 13 between Savage and Prior Lake with the Jolly Musicians playing. On Sunday you can dance at Riverside Pavilion in Carver to Babe Wagener music or go to Chaska Valley Ballroom and hear Dick Finch music.
Record enrollment of 1,406 students will enter the Jordan schools this fall, J.H.S., grades 7 through 12, 600 students; J.H.S., elementary, grades 1 through 6, including Lydia, 572; and St. Jordan’s, 234.
On Friday night or early Saturday morning, the ladies restroom at the Scott County Oil Co., was vandalized. Entrance was made by kicking in the door, breaking the mirror, smashing the light fixtures, stool and tanks broken all left on the floor. It appeared all was done in rage and the Jordan police will investigate the incident.
Sister Kara Koenig of the School Sisters of Notre Dame made her first promises Aug. 17 at Good Counsel in Mankato. She is in her second year of teaching at St. Augustine School in St. Paul. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koenig of Jordan.
New arrivals born to Jordan residents at Queen of Peace Hospital, New Prague: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kes (Catherine Pieper) on Sunday, Aug. 20; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Burdetter Wodtke (Sharon Alexander) on Aug. 23; and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pint (Judy Colling) on Aug. 23 at St. Francis Hospital.
In lost and found section: lost: upper dentures at junction of Hwy. 169 and 282. Reward if left at Jordan Independent office: ???
Over 200 persons attended the baseball banquet held at Geno’s Saturday night to recognize Jordan’s baseball teams and the boys recreation league. Danny Thompson, Minnesota Twins star shortstop was guest speaker and Dick Jonckowski was Master of Ceremonies.
Sunday, August 30, nearly 500 worshippers gathered to celebrate the 125th anniversary of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jordan. Special music was prepared by church organists, Norma Bendsick and Nancy Goss, and accompanied on trumpet by Paul Wolfram. A catered chicken dinner was served. Highlight was the return of many former pastors and vicars, Pastor Brandes, Pastor Hoencke, Pastor Voss, and former vicars Dennis Schlicht and David Bostedt.
School board faced with huge capital expenditures. Most urgent of a long list of facility needs is that of repairing the 1965 high school building roof. Estimated cost of this is between $200,000 and $240,000. This cost covers only half of the entire or the portion that was built in 1965. Another substantial expenditure facing the board is the bricks that are spalling in an area of the elementary building.
Since some 25 years ago, and started by Ray Joachim, Sr., the Jordan group has been bidding at the Scott County Fair 4-H auction. This year was no exception. Ray retired, and Ed Bowler has agreed to follow Ray’s footprints.
The first weekend attendance figures for the 1992 Amateur baseball tournament were Jordan, 3,087, and Belle Plaine, 2,256, for a total of 5,343. The combined total after the second week was 10,176, 2,455 ahead of the 1991 tournament played at Cannon Falls and Red Wing.
The Jordan Brewers roll on in the win bracket at state baseball tournament. On Sunday, there were enough runs on the scoreboard to give the locals a 3-0 win over Hutchinson in the second round. Friday night the Brewers will face Coon Rapids at 6:00 p.m. in Jordan. Both tournament co-hosts, Jordan and Belle Plaine, have their teams in contention entering the final weekend.
Tri captains have been selected for the 1992 Jordan High School Hubman football team. Chosen were: Jeremy Briese, a defensive tackle; Mitch Bahr, a defensive and offensive tackle; and Trent Simek, a middle linebacker.
Looking Back is compiled by the Jordan Historical Society. For more information, email
Looking Back is compiled by the Jordan Historical Society. For more information, email
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