The old guard gathered for McDonald's coffee on a Thursday morning in August, a routine they adopted after they left their jobs at Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.'s Keokuk wheat mill.
The global food processing giant had bought many of them out, offering early retirement packages three years ago to a baker's dozen of the company's supervisors. Now, the group gathered to gossip about problems at the plant.
The plant's longtime manager had taken the early retirement offer in 2019. His replacement was gone by this May. At the plant, a blower fan caught fire in October. A second fan caught fire in July. The water treatment system broke down in February, shutting down production. The system broke again in late July, causing a second shutdown.
"How the (expletive) is this place still running?" Bob Ruffcorn, a 20-year employee at the mill who retired in July, recalled asking his friends.
They seemed to get their answer that morning, Aug. 25, when a former co-worker, one of the few veterans still left at the Keokuk mill, stopped by the McDonald's. He told the group that the plant management had called a meeting for the next day.
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Ruffcorn figured the factory was dead, a hunch ADM confirmed the next morning when an executive told employees gathered in the 43-year-old mill's warehouse that the company had pulled the plug.
ADM told Iowa Workforce Development in an Aug. 26 filing that the shutdown could impact 65 workers, the first of two blows for the old manufacturing hub in the southeast corner of the state. A week later, Blessing Health Keokuk announced it would shut down its hospital, laying off 151 employees.
In a statement, ADM spokesperson Dane Lisser said, "After exploring a wide variety of alternatives, we’ve determined that our Keokuk plant no longer aligns with our milling business’s future operational needs."
Lisser did not mention what Ruffcorn, other former employees and city officials say they believe to be the real causes for the shutdown: The company failed to replace institutional knowledge as veterans left the mill over the last three years, and their replacements' mistakes led to violations of ADM's wastewater treatment agreement with the city, costing the company millions and setting Keokuk up for potential fines from state regulators.
Ruffcorn, 63, has seen the city's population shrink to about 10,000 from about 16,000 when he was born. Much of the exodus has been the result of globalization, of manufacturers leaving towns along the Mississippi River for countries with cheaper labor.
ADM's exit feels different to him, though.
"River towns, we took hits," Ruffcorn said two weeks after the closing. "But this is something that never should have happened."
Better known for its corn and soybean processing, ADM purchased the wheat facility in Keokuk from Ogilvie Mills in 1993.
The location was an odd fit, given Iowa's relative lack of wheat production. Farmers in neighboring Missouri and Illinois would also come to favor soybeans and corn. Farmers planted 1.6 million acres of wheat this year, down from 4.3 million the year ADM bought the plant.
The company shipped wheat to the plant by rail from states as far away as Colorado. Employees milled the commodity into flour before breaking it down into gluten, protein isolates and starches. ADM's customers turned the product into cereal, pasta, salad dressing and animal feed.
In April 2019, a year after reporting $3.27 billion in operating earnings, ADM announced it would offer early retirement packages to veteran U.S. and Canadian employees. Ruffcorn said 13 supervisors took the offer at the Keokuk plant, which had a staff of about 80. ADM's overall profits, meanwhile, continued to rise. The company reported $4.64 billion in operating earnings last year.
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At the time of the early retirement packages, however, ADM encountered a problem. The grocery chain Aldi announced a recall of flour in May 2019 because of an E. coli outbreak, which it traced to an ADM plant in Buffalo, New York.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the outbreak stretched to other ADM-supplied goods, including Pillsbury Best Bread Flour and Brand Castle cookie and brownie mixes. Before the outbreak ended two months later, there were 21 reported illnesses and three hospitalizations.
The following year, the company imposed stricter quality standards at the Keokuk plant. Lisser, the ADM spokesperson, did not answer a question from the Des Moines Register about whether the new standards were tied to the outbreak.
Michelle Frey, ADM global manager of water and wastewater, told the Keokuk City Council in a presentation this April that the company's shift in quality standards meant employees cleaned the Keokuk plant more intensely.
Before the change, Frey said, managers shut the mill down once a year to run chemicals through all the pipes for a deep clean. They started doing this more frequently in 2020, eventually shutting down the mill for deep cleanings once a week.
But the frequent cleaning led to another problem.
Under an agreement with the city, the plant had installed an anaerobic digester about 100 yards from the mill in 1987. The company channeled its wastewater through the 3 million-gallon tank, where microbes consumed carbon and other organic material from the wheat starch in the water.
After running the water through the digester, ADM employees would send it to Keokuk's wastewater treatment plant. City employees would treat the water further with other digesters before releasing it into the Mississippi River.
Because Keokuk had capped how much starch the plant could send to the city treatment system, installing the on-site digester allowed the company to process more wheat.
But maintaining a digester requires a delicate balance. The microbes multiply as they grow, said Tom Wills, superintendent of the Keokuk Water Pollution Control Plant. The digester doesn't work as well with too many microbes, meaning the company needed to avoid overfeeding them. At the same, the microbes die if they don't get enough food.
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The cleanings reduced the amount of starch in the water reaching them. Frey told the City Council the digester stopped working.
Then, in July 2021, she said, ADM officials decided that the plant could no longer reuse cold water, which workers deploy when some mixes get too hot. The company previously recycled that water elsewhere in the plant. But Frey said ADM leaders decided to send that water to the digester after employees used it once.
As a result, Frey said the plant flushed far more water than it usually does, and the plant violated its agreement about how much organic material it would send to the city.
The agreement dictated how much organic material ADM could send using a measurement known as Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand. It's based on how much oxygen microbes in nature — such as in the Mississippi River — would need to consume the organic material. If ADM sent too much starch, requiring the microbes to use too much oxygen, they could create an oxygen-free "dead zone" where life can't exist in the river.
The city's agreement with ADM required the company to send an amount of CBOD that was the equivalent of no more than 4,000 pounds per day. But in July, after the company changed policies, ADM sent 6,700 pounds per day. In August, that went up to 14,000 pounds per day.
"We had done a lot of damage," Frey would later tell the City Council. "... It basically has been very unstable, as a plant, since then."
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She added that plant managers didn't have the resources to know that these policy changes would create so many problems.
"ADM had very limited resources and expertise in wastewater at that time — and in this plant in particular, they had none," she said. "We were asking them to solve problems they were unaware of and didn't have the know-how to solve. They were doing their best. They were trying."
But in fact, ADM did have an expert in Keokuk — at least until last spring.
Robert Rupp, the plant's wastewater treatment supervisor, started at the mill in 1980, according to his LinkedIn page. He had helped launch and oversee the digester when Ogilvie Mills installed it 25 years ago.
Wills, the Keokuk wastewater treatment plant supervisor, said Rupp emailed and called him frequently to alert him when ADM sent too much organic material. Wills said Rupp could easily explain what mistakes workers at the plant had made and how ADM would prevent repeating the error.
But Rupp retired in April 2021. Wills said Rupp had alerted ADM managers about his planned exit a year in advance.
"I got the feeling that they just didn't care," Wills said, adding that after Rupp's departure, other employees at the plant didn't contact him as frequently or seem to have the same understanding of how the plant worked.
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Ruffcorn, the veteran ADM employee who retired earlier this year, said Rupp used to patrol the grounds like an accountant. He tracked how much water was flowing from different parts of the factory, monitored lab results and pestered managers when he thought they might be causing a potential problem.
"Robert Rupp took care of (expletive)," Ruffcorn said. "And they let the whole plant go to (expletive) after he left, like it wasn't important. Come on, man. The whole plant depends on sewage."
Lisser, the company spokesperson, did not respond to an emailed question asking why ADM did not find a replacement for Rupp.
Ruffcorn and other veterans pointed to a failure to foresee the potential consequences of the early retirement offer.
A lot of companies offer early retirements, Bill Casey, another former ADM employee, observed. "It comes around and bites them in the rear end."
The excessive amount of starch sent to the city plant in July 2021 led to a $241,000 bill for ADM, up 73% from the same month a year earlier. The city billed the company about $485,000 in August.
On Jan. 14, Terry Jones, an Iowa DNR senior environmental specialist, informed city officials in a letter that Keokuk had been in "significant non-compliance" from July 2021 through December for sending too much organic material into the Mississippi River, setting the city up for a potential fine. He told city leaders to explain how they would prevent ADM from continuing to send too much starchy water to the city plant.
City officials issued ADM an administrative order, demanding the company pass along less organic material in the water under threat of fines. But after ADM appealed, with attorneys arguing they hadn't receive enough advance notice, the City Council canceled the order. The city later negotiated an agreement with ADM, which Wills said barely made any changes from the agreement already in place before the problems started.
Meanwhile, on Feb. 22, the microbes in ADM's digester died, killing the company's water treatment system. Frey blamed the problem on the thin metal in the system, which she said didn't insulate the water enough from the cold. The plant shut down until early March, when the city gave ADM microbes to replenish the digester.
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However, plant managers also switched the digester to function at a lower temperature. Frey told the City Council the revised system would work better in winter. But the microbes in colder conditions could not consume the starch as quickly.
Once the plant began running again, Wills said, ADM violated its agreement with the city 17 days in a row. The city billed ADM $248,000 — about $100,000 more than a year earlier. Frey, meanwhile, told the City Council that the company had spent $495,000 to fix the wastewater problems at the plant.
This summer, to curb the amount of water it sent the city, ADM began removing some material from the wastewater and trucking it to Stockton, outside Davenport, where a company called AgriReNew processes waste for many farmers in Iowa.
Bryan Sievers, the company's owner, said an ADM executive asked him if he could handle five or six semi trucks' worth of waste a week. But after about six weeks, he said, the company was sending seven trucks a day. Sievers ended the agreement.
"We literally ran out of space and said, 'We can't take it anymore,'" Sievers recalled.
He said he doesn't remember when the switch occurred, and he doesn't know what caused the switch. In the meantime, on July 28, a blower fan caught fire at the ADM plant, Keokuk City Administrator Cole O'Donnell said.
O'Donnell said employees began flushing a massive amount of water during the fire, creating a large rush that reached the city's plant. He said it also killed the digester's microbes, breaking the wastewater treatment system for the second time in six months.
He compared ADM's approach to a diner eating too much on Thanksgiving.
"You ate all the turkey, all the potatoes, all the stuffing, all the gravy, all the pie, all the stuff all at once," O'Donnell said. "You're going to kill yourself. That's what they did. They killed the digester."
Now, he just hopes another company will buy the plant from ADM.
"We look forward to working with the city as we look to find a buyer for the facility," Lisser said in a statement.
The city, meanwhile, has not received a fine from Iowa DNR. O'Donnell and Wills said they hope regulators will look kindly on them.
"We did as much as we could to help (ADM) out," Wills said. "And it just didn't work."
Lisser said the company is trying to find jobs for Keokuk employees at other ADM plants. Larry Weber, a maintenance worker, said he thinks he'll land at the company's operation in Quincy, Illinois, after interviewing there Sept. 6.
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Weber, who joined the company 15 months ago, said he came to ADM because friends told him managers didn't harass workers too much. He found that to be true.
"Nobody likes going to work, as a rule," Weber said. "But if I had to go to work, I didn't mind going there."
Weber said that after the digester stopped working in late July, he continued to report to the plant. With the company not producing, managers asked the maintenance team to make long-term repairs they hadn't been able to do while the plant ran.
The assignments made him hopeful that the plant would continue to run. But he began to worry when managers asked him to take inventory of the machine parts on site, indicating they might be shipped to other locations. During the Aug. 26 meeting, when an executive mentioned something about assessing assets and liabilities, Weber said, he knew the company was ending its Keokuk operation.
He said the closing will be a blow to the town, not just for the 65 workers but for the dozen-or-so contractors who relied on jobs at the plant.
"Eighty may not seem like a lot of people in some places," he said. "But for here, it's going to be a shock to the system."
Tyler Jett covers jobs and the economy for the Des Moines Register. Reach him at, 515-284-8215, or on Twitter at @LetsJett.