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© 2022 MJH Life Sciences™ and Pharmaceutical Technology. All rights reserved.
The Universal Multiple Mill Glovebox for Multiple Mill Systems is part of the Contained Powder Handling product range from original pioneers of high containment technology Powder Systems Limited. PSL's multiple mill isolator can accommodate different mills in a single glovebox.
The Universal Multiple Mill Glovebox for Multiple Mill Systems is part of the Contained Powder Handling product range from original pioneers of high containment technology Powder Systems Limited. PSL’s multiple mill isolator can accommodate different mills in a single glovebox.
A specially designed L-shape window glovebox for inert milling provides product and operator protection, with good access for changing, stripping and cleaning mills within the glovebox. PSL’s Milling Isolator features a lift-up window for enhanced viewing and ergonomics.
Contained milling process gives an enhanced operator viewing, ergonomics and an assured explosion protection system.
The Universal Multiple Mill Glovebox offers the advantage of a nitrogen-purged environment, nanogram containment, a small area to clean and better control over cross-contamination.
PSL’s universal Milling Isolator is the optimum solution when multiple mills, micronizers or air jet mills are required for a single product or process. Suitable from lab scale to complete facility requirements for manufacturing formulation.
PSL has extensive global experience in contained milling and is an original pioneer of high containment technology. Established for 25 years, PSL provide a full range of high containment solutions for applications including: dispensing and sampling, charging, drum filling, off-loading, sieving and tray drying.
Company name: Powder Systems Limited
Website: www.powdersystems.com/milling.html