Starrag : Rainer Hansjürgens becomes the new Head of the Business Unit Large Parts Manufacturing Systems (LPMS) | MarketScreener

2022-09-23 20:46:34 By : Luo Jack

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Rainer Hansjürgens becomes the new Head of the Business Unit Large Parts Manufacturing Systems (LPMS)

The Starrag Group has named Rainer Hansjürgens as the future Head of the LPMS business unit and as Managing Director of Starrag Technology GmbH. He will take over this new role on 1 November 2022. Rainer Hansjürgens, who for the last five years has been Managing Director of Gildemeister Drehmaschinen GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of DMG MORI AG in Bielefeld, Germany, has over 30 years' experience in the machine tool business.

Rorschacherberg, 23 September 2022 - Starrag Group Holding AG (SIX: STGN) is a technological leader in the global supply of precision machine tools for the milling, turning, drilling and grinding of workpieces made from metal, composite materials and ceramics. The management structure consists of four operational, product and application-oriented business units, as well as three centrally managed functions: Sales, Group Operations and Customer Service.

The LPMS business unit, to which the product areas Droop + Rein, Dörries (both Bielefeld), Berthiez (St.Etienne), and the Large Parts Machining Systems unit in Mönchengladbach belong, was previously managed on an interim basis by CEO Dr Christian Walti. On 1 November 2022 managerial responsibility will pass to Rainer Hansjürgens.

Rainer Hansjürgens trained as a machine fitter and holds a degree in mechanical engineering. Since 2017, as Managing Director of Technology at Gildemeister Drehmaschinen GmbH, he has been responsible for development and design, purchasing, procurement and logistics, as well as production and quality assurance.

Starrag Ad hoc announcement pursuit to Art. 53 LR

Prior to this, he worked at ELHA Maschinenbau, Liemke KG, Droop + Rein and ARI Armaturen GmbH & Co. KG, among others.

In Rainer Hansjürgens the company has succeeded in gaining a renowned expert in many aspects of machine tools and customer-specific solutions.

High-precision machine tools for greater productivity

Starrag Group is a global technology leader in manufacturing high-precision machine tools for milling, turning, boring and grinding workpieces of metallic, composite and ceramic materials. Principle customers are internationally active companies in the Aerospace, Energy, Transportation and Industrial (Industrial Components, Luxury Goods, Med Tech) sectors. In addition to its portfolio of machine tools, Starrag Group provides integrated technology and maintenance services that significantly enhance customer quality and productivity.

The umbrella brand Starrag unites the product ranges Berthiez, Bumotec, Dörries, Droop+Rein, Ecospeed, Heckert, Scharmann, SIP, Starrag, TTL and WMW. Headquartered in Rorschach/Switzerland, the Starrag Group operates manufacturing plants in Switzerland, Germany, France, the UK and India, and has established a network of sales and services subsidiaries in the most important customer countries.

The shares of Starrag Group Holding AG are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.

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Starrag Ad hoc announcement pursuit to Art. 53 LR

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Starrag Group Holding AG published this content on 23 September 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 23 September 2022 03:09:08 UTC.