Innovation and Sustainability a Focus for UK Lab Show
WITec Jubilee Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation
Chromatography Column Packs Support Protein Purification Workflows
Smart Laboratories - The Future of the Lab
Innovative Ultra-compact Czerny-Turner Spectrometer Showcasing at WWEM 2022
With Haver & Boecker’s range of test sieve shakers for dry and wet sieving, all materials can be classified, including agglomerating grinding material and coarse-grained products. With an electromagnetic drive, the main feature of HAVER 3D laboratory sieve shakers is the self-readjusting amplitude. Most W.S. TYLER® Ro-Tap® units feature a mechanical circular and tapping motion.
The HAVER EML 200 test sieve range provides diameters of up to 203 mm and can be used for dry and wet sieving of bulk material up to 3 kg. It is Haver & Boecker’s smallest test sieve shaker with an electromagnetic drive.
The range includes: HAVER EML 200 Pure - The ideal basic model; HAVER EML 200 Premium - flexibly adjustable; HAVER EML 200 Premium Remote - additional wet sieving possible.
The HAVER EML 315 digital plus test sieve has an increased diameter range of up to 315 mm and can be used for dry and wet sieving of bulk material up to 6 kg.
With the HAVER EML 450 digital plus test sieve the diameter range is extended to cover up to 450 mm. It can be used for dry and wet sieving of bulk material up to 15 kg and is the largest electromagnetically driven 3D test sieve shaker from Haver & Boecker.
The HAVER UWL 400 comes with a choice of stainless steel or beechwood casing. The two rotary motors make it the most powerful in the Haver & Boecker test sieve family. Designed for dry or wet sieving with coarse sample material it is capable of weights up to 20 kg.
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Flowmeter calibration against traceable standards Titan Enterprises has been performing all its calibration requirements in-house since 1994 using their p...
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ACS National Meeting & Expo, Fall 2022
Aug 21 2022 Chicago, IL, USA & Online
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