Sheriffs Blotter Aug 19-22: Cows seek freedom and the bears seek food - Plumas News

2022-09-02 20:34:01 By : Ms. Jimmy H

Compiled by Mari Erin Roth

Information in the Sheriff’s Blotter is gathered from the dispatch logs provided by the Plumas County Sheriff’s Office. No individual’s names are reported. And those arrested should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

The following is a summary of activity for Aug 19-22, 2022

1:42 a.m. Quincy. A caller reports a suspicious male is outside of the residence in the roadway on Coburn. The subject is possibly sleeping. The caller said they can hear the male snoring in a dark shirt and shorts.

Not the way you want to wake up

4:36 a.m. Quincy. A caller requests a lift assist for a male who has fallen out of bed. Quincy Fire and PDH were paged. 4:54 a.m. The assistance is complete.

Not where I left it

10:55 a.m. Beckwourth. A caller reports his Chevy truck was stolen. The caller is unsure of the exact date as he has been out of town. The call was transferred to CHP.

11:31 a.m. Delleker. A caller reports a subject made a comment to one of their staff members that she was going to slit her gut open if she doesn’t get more IHSS hours to help her. 11:49 a.m. A Sgt. spoke with the subject who said she is fine and just upset with Social Services and does not want to be bothered by the Sheriff’s Office. The Sgt. advised the subject that if she continues to make threats to harm herself that the Sheriff’s Office would have to continue to contact her.

1:54 p.m. Vinton. A caller reports a longhorn cow standing between the roadway and the fence line. The cow has large brown longhorns. The location was sent to CHP and the Sgt. in the area.

4:01 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a cow near the side of the highway east of Quincy near Chandler Road.

5:42 p.m. Cromberg. A caller reports a single vehicle rollover near the Golden Coach RV Park. The call was transferred to CHP. 5:47 p.m. Greenhorn and Long Valley Fire were paged along with PDH. 5:55 p.m. CHP contacted and advised that two parties are injured. 5:56 p.m. Plumas 15 requested mutual aid from Graeagle and Johnsville with extraction equipment. Graeagle and Johnsville Fire were paged. 5:57 p.m. A Fish and Wildlife agent is on the scene and said no extraction equipment is needed. One person is inside a trailer with a neck injury and the other occupant is outside the vehicle. 5:59 p.m. Per CHP, the patient in the trailer is in and out of consciousness. 6:02 p.m. Plumas 15 requests an ambulance to Graeagle Mill Pond. And requests an air ambulance from REMSA. 6:03 p.m. Careflight 4 is responding with an ETA of 6:19 p.m. 6:06 p.m. A second air ambulance was requested. 6:06 p.m. Second air ambulance can cancel. 6:12 p.m. ETA updated to 6:21 p.m. 6:28 p.m. Plumas 15 advised one patient declining further against medical advice. 6:41 p.m. Careflight off the ground with the patient.

8:44 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports that a bear is walking around the area of the Peppard Flat Road parking lot. The caller advised that multiple people are walking around the area and the caller is concerned. 9 p.m. A Sgt. advised that the bear has been scared off.

12:54 a.m. Quincy. A caller reports a bear is inside of the neighbor’s car and is destroying the vehicle. The bear has broken the windows out. People are outside trying to get the bear to leave the area. 1:14 a.m. A deputy advised the bear was extracted out of the vehicle safely and is no longer in the area.

Adds up to the logical sum

7:29 a.m. Portola. A caller reports a vandalism but refused to provide any further information and will only speak to a deputy. 9:51 a.m. A Sgt. advised no vandalism. The caller was upset over a bear getting into the neighbor’s trash. The Sgt. contacted the neighbor who agreed to secure their trash better.

8:28 a.m. Quincy. A caller reports smoke coming from Clough St. somewhere, the exact location is unknown. Quincy Fire was paged. 8:47 a.m. Quincy Fire was unable to locate anything. USFS will continue to be on the lookout and has a helicopter in the air as well.

Hopefully traveling light and empty

9:10 a.m. Cromberg. A caller reports a reckless driver in a white Ford pickup with a horse trailer. The information was transferred to CHP.

Seeing smoke to the east

1:17 p.m. Portola. A caller reports a possible forest fire. The caller is on Lake Davis but can see smoke north of the lake toward Clover Valley. The call was transferred to USFS.

More smoke at the west end of the County

1:48 p.m. Chester. A caller reports smoke in the forest area on the west shore of Lake Almanor. The call was transferred to USFS. 1:59 p.m. Chester. A caller reports fire on Stover Mountain. The call was transferred to USFS. 2:05 p.m. Another caller reports smoke in the forest near Stover Mountain. 2:07 p.m. Another caller reports smoke in the forest area west of Mount Lassen near Stover Mountain.

2:58 p.m. Portola. A caller reported an RV on fire. Beckwourth Fire was paged. 3:03 p.m. USFS advised they are responding. 3:10 p.m. Per Portola Fire, the fire is knocked down, smoke is showing but units are on the scene that can handle it. USFS is already on the scene.

3:04 p.m. Bucks Lake. A male subject was issued a citation for navigating a motorboat, sailboat, or vessel 26 feet in length or less with a person under the age of 13 not wearing a floatation device.

3:25 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a dryer malfunction with a flame in the back. There is no smoke in the building and no current fire. The caller is concerned and wanted to report it. The caller advised calling the numbers provided at the business but received no response. 3:36 p.m. The contacts listed are no longer valid. The former owner provided the new owner’s information. A message was left for the new owner. 3:56 p.m. The case was closed pending contact from the new owner. There is no current fire emergence.

5:26 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a blue Chevy Silverado with Nevada plates ran them off the road heading westbound on Hwy 70 near Beckwourth. The caller was transferred to CHP.

6:10 p.m. Clio. A caller reports the mother is trying to break down the door and fight with the father. The mother was identified. There are no weapons, but she has boxing gloves. The father and mother are arguing in the kitchen. The mother is under the influence. The father has been drinking but is not drunk. The father was identified. 6:58 p.m. A deputy was advised of the location. And the female was cited for Child Endangerment and Domestic Battery.

Howling, howling, howling at the moon

10:19 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports dogs have been barking in the area and it has been ongoing for days. The caller described the location, it is unknown who lives at the residence. The dogs can be heard barking in the background of the call. The information was faxed to Animal Control.

10:23 p.m. Graeagle. A caller reports loud music in the area of the Knotty Tavern. 10:45 p.m. A deputy advised speaking to the bartender who said the live music is at the Wine Bar and that is where the loud music is coming from.

11:11 p.m. Chester. A caller reports a suspicious male is across the street from their house. It is a log yard. The caller cannot see the suspect but said the lights turned on and the suspect ducked behind a building. No further description was given. 11:22 p.m. A deputy advised juveniles were in an empty lot trying to get into their residence. The juveniles were counseled and advised to stay inside.

2:42 a.m. Quincy. A caller requests medical for a female with a dislocated knee. Quincy Fire and PDH were paged. 2:55 a.m. Plumas 15 advised no medical is needed. The kneecap slid back into place.

6:44 a.m. Greenville. A caller reports a suspicious person is under the bleachers at the school sleeping. It is unknown if it is a female or male. 7:51 a.m. A deputy advised a subject was sleeping under the bleachers after an event and is okay.

9:30 a.m. Chester. Two dogs were brought to the Chester substation that were found on Swain Mountain. The subject has the same name as a giant celebrity (but not that person because that celebrity is deceased). The dogs will be transported to Animal Control. 9:36 a.m. An attempt was made to contact the owner. A message was left.

Fire way up on the mountain

9:59 a.m. La Porte. A caller reports campers with large campfires at Wyandotte Campground in the tent sites. It is an ongoing issue from last night. The caller called in from La Porte General Store. The caller was transferred to Grass Valley Fire and to USFS. 10:06 a.m. USFS law enforcement dispatch advised they have a report of this ongoing incident.

11:03 a.m. Quincy. A caller reports a strange lady cursing and yelling. The caller is worried she may go into traffic at the bus stop in front of the Stone House. The subject is wearing a white hat. The caller disconnected before any further information was provided. 11:04 a.m. A second caller called in on 911 to report the same subject yelling and screaming. Can hear it across the street at the Dollar General. It is unknown if it is a male or female. 11:15 p.m. A subject was issued citations for possession of drug paraphernalia and violating a court order and taken into custody.

11:44 a.m. Lake Almanor. A caller reports that his door was kicked in over the weekend and someone took a speaker and a youth fishing pole. The caller was wanting to know if there were other break-ins in the area. The caller said no need for a report, they did not take anything of value, just wanted the info on file.

Two hurt in jet ski crash

2:53 p.m. Canyon Dam. A caller reports a jet ski crash into the rocks, two subjects have facial injuries and are on shore. The caller is in a skidoo attempting to help the victims. 3 p.m. PDH was paged, a helicopter was requested to Canyon Dam and provided an ETA of 3:28 p.m. Careflight ETA is 3:44 p.m. West Almanor Fire boat is responding into the shallow water. 3:21 p.m. Boat Patrol advises the patients are being transported by a private boat and going to the boat ramp. SAR was paged. 3:26 p.m. Careflight updated the ETA to 3:42 p.m. 3:58 p.m. Careflight advised they will be taking one to UC Davis. Someone will be contacting tomorrow about why there are three loading zones all in the same location. 4:01 p.m. Plumas 11 is transporting one to Seneca Hospital. Careflight is off the ground and ETA to UC Davis is one hour and 4 minutes. 4:11 p.m. Boat Patrol advised a report was taken. 4:14 p.m. Boat Patrol will provide further information on the parties involved and is primary due to this being a water-related incident.

Stuck in the middle with …

5:51 p.m. CHP advises receiving a report of a vehicle stuck in the sand between Dog Rock and Indian Falls near the river. The caller said she was disabled. The vehicle is a blue FJ Cruiser. CHP advised no name was obtained from the call as it was cutting out. It is unknown if she has contacted anyone else for assistance. The call pings near Old Quarry Road. 5:58 p.m. One previous call with a number comes back to a named individual but there is no answer. 6:56 p.m. The caller contacted via 911 and said she is just past the old McElroy house near the bridge at Indian Creek. She said she is okay and just stuck in the sand. She has water and a dog with her. 8:13 p.m. Search and Rescue advised the victim is okay and back on the road, assistance complete.

The hazards of populated areas

7:04 p.m. Portola. A caller reports her daughter was bit by a dog while on a walk. There are two bite marks on the lower half of the body. The caller will be calling the doctor to see if she needs to bring the victim to the ER. The dog owner’s name and address were provided, and the owner could not provide shot records for the dog. 8:15 p.m. A deputy contacted the victim, and no medical is needed. The deputy will attempt to locate the dog. 8:29 p.m. The deputy contacted the dog owner who said the dog is up to date on shots and will quarantine the dog. The victim is going to the doctor’s tomorrow. Animal Control will follow up.

7:44 p.m. Portola. A caller reports a female sitting in the middle of the roadway holding a cat. The caller did not stop and lost service before the call was transferred to CHP. 7:47 p.m. CHP advised; they are aware.

8:16 p.m. Portola. A caller reports a male juvenile sitting on a picnic table playing offensive music loudly. 8:32 p.m. A deputy advised the juvenile was gone upon arrival, no one is in the area.

Lingering presence or perhaps a timer

8:48 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports someone is in her neighbor’s house. The neighbor recently passed away and no one should be in the residence. 9:11 p.m. A deputy advised suspicious circumstances. 9:36 p.m. The caller recontacted via 911 to advise lights turned on in the house as soon as the deputy left. 9:53 p.m. A Sgt. advised the residence is secure and believes the light has been on since before the deputy visit.

8:56 p.m. Chester. A caller reports his nephew picked up a hitchhiker around Hay Meadows trailhead in Caribou Wilderness. The hitchhiker advised he left his wife behind after getting lost. The wife is still in the truck. The caller has no further information on the subjects or where they were lost. The nephew is 10 minutes from her residence and requested a deputy meet at her house. 9:40 p.m. A deputy advised being out with the subject and has been in contact with Lassen County who got other parties out from the woods, the parties are back in Redding. The deputy is helping the subject find lodging for the night.

Better to dress for dinner not destruction

9:07 p.m. Portola. A caller reports a female walking in the middle of the roadway in a multi-colored dress. The call was transferred to CHP.

9:08 a.m. Chester. A caller reports there are two male subjects in a verbal argument in front of the Best Western Rose Quartz. One subject is out of the vehicle, a man walking with a blue shirt, blue jeans and red hair, on foot heading westbound. The other subject is driving a silver Honda, a male driver. 9:13 a.m. A deputy was provided the location. 9:29 a.m. A deputy made contact with both subjects who advised it was a verbal argument only and both agreed to keep the peace.

Early morning or perhaps a late night

9:54 a.m. Chester. A male subject was arrested on First Ave. on charges of possession of paraphernalia and probation violation.

Not interested in free stuff

10:11 a.m. Quincy. A caller reports the need for a check on the baby bassinet along Hwy 70 on the south side of Cemetery Hill. The caller is concerned there may be a baby. The caller was unwilling to check. The information was given to CHP.

Low rider drives a little slower

10:13 a.m. Graeagle. A caller reports a reckless driver heading westbound on Hwy 70 just past Feather River Drive. It is a black Suburban going very slow and in and out of lanes. It has a lot of vehicles behind it. The information was transferred to CHP.

10:35 a.m. Beckwourth. A caller is at Nervino Aero Services and advises his plane, a Cessna 150, has been stolen. It is green and white in color. The caller was unable to provide the tail number at this time. A suspect for the theft was named. The caller said the airport mechanic informed the caller that he spoke with the suspect who made statements about taking the plane and may possibly take two more planes.

10:46 a.m. Greenville. A caller sent an email to departments requesting patrol checks of the apartments for suspicious activity. No further information was provided. The caller is the maintenance person. 2:27 p.m. Deputies advised of a patrol check. Aug. 23, 2:01 a.m. Another patrol check was completed.

10:52 a.m. Lake Davis. A caller reports four cows on the road at Fairview Point Day Use area. The information was put on file, the area is an open range area.

11:56 a.m. Crescent Mills. A single vehicle accident took place on Hwy 89 near Dog Rock with unknown injuries. The information was sent to CHP. 12:01 p.m. Crescent Mills Fire was paged and PDH. 12:05 p.m. A second caller reported the same accident, but closer to Dog Rock. 12:10 p.m. USFS is self-dispatching an engine.

12:15 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports a known person just punched her car. The subject is now walking westbound on Main Street in a blue shirt, shorts, and carrying paper bags. A male subject advised he was trying to get the subject off the car. 12:19 p.m. The caller said her car is a white 2014 Ford Focus. The caller said the subject has come back, can hear screaming in the background between two males. 12:21 p.m. The caller advised now on foot walking east on Lawrence. A caller reports there are two people yelling at each other and believes they are in the lobby but unsure as the caller is in the back. Unknown weapons are present. 12:39 p.m. A Sgt. advised it was a verbal argument with the subject and the female caller. The female left prior to the Sgt. arrival. There was an additional argument with the subject and another male who advises he has a restraining order against the subject but is non-desirous to press charges. All parties agreed to keep the peace.12:40 p.m. Cannot locate the restraining order.

4:47 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports the tack room was broken into sometime last night as well as trucks. The caller and several other students had items stolen. 5:04 p.m. An additional report listed stolen property of horse medication (Equiox), a saddle pad and headstall, a custom snaffle bit. There is a possible female suspect who lives in the dorms.

6:08 p.m. Chester. A caller reports her son was assaulted by her other minor son. The subject also hit her husband. No medical is needed. 7:30 p.m. The male suspect was arrested on charges of assault and battery, and vandalism.

7:14 p.m. Portola. A caller reports her ex-husband is using her social security number. The caller is in Texas and her ex-husband lives in Portola. 8:32 p.m. A criminal report was filed.

7:42 p.m. Chester. A caller reports smoke in Warner Valley. The caller is traveling toward Domingo Springs from Chester right before the high bridge. The call was transferred to USFS.

11:51 p.m. Quincy. A caller reports he just witnessed a possible vehicle theft from the Safeway parking lot. The vehicle owner is unknown or the subject. The vehicle was a tan 4-door car, possibly a Toyota Corolla. The caller witnessed what appeared to be a female hot wiring the vehicle and then drove away. The information was sent to CHP.

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