Thunderstorms during the evening will give way to mainly clear skies after midnight. Low 68F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%..
Thunderstorms during the evening will give way to mainly clear skies after midnight. Low 68F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%.
A map showing the Kitty Hawk and Wilmington East offshore wind areas and their proximity to Beaufort/Morehead City. Note: The proposed Wilmington West offshore wind site shown on the map has been dropped by the federal government. Radio Island and the Morehead City Port will used as staging points to build the proposed wind farms.
CARTERET COUNTY —If plans progress to turn Radio Island into a go-between for two offshore wind farms, the pristine island will become a concrete launching pad for “green energy projects.”
As reported in the Wilmington Star News on Thursday, “With offshore wind farms planned to be built off the Outer Banks and Brunswick County later this decade, North Carolina is interested in capturing some of the production and maintenance work associated with the ‘green’ energy projects.”
In the Wilmington report, the state-run N.C. Ports Authority is proposing to develop infrastructure and facilities in Morehead City to create a “multi-use terminal to support the manufacturing and operation in the automotive and offshore wind industry.”
The proposal calls for paving most of the 200 acres of undeveloped land on Radio Island, which lies between the Morehead City Port and Beaufort.
This turn of events proposal has been making its rounds for a year now. In May of last year, former Carteret County Economic Development Director Don Kirkman, now retired, pitched the idea of developing Radio Island to support offshore wind energy, saying it could generate high-paying jobs and boost the local economy.
A map showing the Kitty Hawk and Wilmington East offshore wind areas and their proximity to Beaufort/Morehead City. Note: The proposed Wilmington West offshore wind site shown on the map has been dropped by the federal government. Radio Island and the Morehead City Port will used as staging points to build the proposed wind farms.
Mr. Kirkman appeared before the Morehead City Council at the time during a workshop meeting to share information about the nation’s burgeoning offshore wind industry and upcoming grant opportunities that could help kickstart development on Radio Island. He posed the opportunity, which could see Radio Island utilized as a staging or fabrication port for manufacturing parts used in offshore wind farms, as a “win-win-win-win” for Morehead City and surrounding areas.
“Offshore wind exploration is a high priority for this (presidential) administration and one that already we’re seeing significant funding associated with in the form of a grant program,” Mr. Kirkman said at the time.
Like President Joe Biden’s aggressive plans to battle climate change, North Carolina is betting big on offshore wind to help it meet aggressive goals to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years.
Most offshore wind farms worldwide are installed up to 20 miles from the shoreline.
The N.C. State Port Authority currently owns about 200 acres of mostly undeveloped land on Radio Island, about 150 acres of which is set aside for future port development. The land is situated within the limits of Morehead City and zoned for port-maritime use.
The Wilmington report noted that the state has set offshore wind development goals of 2.8 gigawatts (GW) off the N.C. coast by 2030 and 8 GW by 2040, enough energy to power roughly 2.3 million homes. The administration has said the development of offshore wind will help achieve the N.C. Clean Energy Plan's goal of a 70% reduction in power sector greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050.
Of the two wind farms are planned for the waters off North Carolina, the Wilmington report noted, the one that's furthest along would see roughly 122,000 acres about 27 miles off the Outer Banks developed with a 1.4 GW project. The other site would cover roughly 110,000 acres about 20 miles south of Bald Head Island in Brunswick County. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management intends to auction off the “Wilmington East” site, which has been broken into two separate leases, next month
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Radio Island would be the first step. Global Trans Park with State RR, 11,500 ft runway. plenty of space for large components. Connections to the interstates. Do it. Cancel some of the pork - command center, dredging with no direction, and this will be a great opportunity. Opportunity knocks.
Terrible idea . The pitched imaginary jobs withstanding , the relatively clean waters would be majorly impacted . Read this article twice . Manufacturing , which is inherently dirty in the best of circumstances , on an island covered in concrete . Sure they say they will address any run off but put it where ? Probably be a we are working on it thing with no actual solution . Just chasing more bungles dollars with no regard for anything else but the money . Do not fall for this ill conceived scheme . Once constructed it will be too late .
No , I am not a tree hugger but this is crazy stupid .
Assembling parts is not the type of manufacturing that creates pollution you are referring to.
Water runoff, I’m pretty sure the run off would be far less of an impact that the port 1/2 mile away, but that’s just me.
I wonder if you would oppose the Radio Island infrastructure plan if it was for oil drilling off our coast?
Sounds like a good idea to me, if its not done on radio island it will be done elsewhere, manufacturing jobs, boat jobs, and electricity generation not dependent on fossil fuels. the nay sayers always say nay, try to inject politics into it, no matter the actual topic and begin their repetitive diatribes . Heaven forbid we get some new manufacturing jobs locally!
As a country, we are complete hypocrites. Within a couple of years, we went from banning plastic straws so we could “save the turtles” to ignoring the billions of worthless non-biodegradable masks floating in the ocean because of COVID. Locally, you can’t drive on certain beaches because of nesting migratory birds but we ignore how these birds are going arrive here through the rhythmic slicing rotation of a windfarm. Come on folks, let us move away from the bickering about the “oh so terrible looking” floating oyster farms in Bogue Sound and install Chinese manufactured wind mills to make the sunset cocktails even more enjoyable for the elitist of Carteret.
I’m sure this idea of a wind farm will be adopted and everyone will celebrate the efforts of the deal brokers. Multiple environmental studies will be conducted and the scientist hired will tell us through informative graphs that everything is effectively safe. “We are in a climate crisis and we need to take it seriously, stop spreading disinformation information.”
As we move unquestionably forward, it’s important to know of the wind turbine company that pleaded guilty to three counts of violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The company was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay more than $8 million in fines and restitution after at least 150 eagles were killed over the past decade at its wind farms in eight states.
While you’re looking into ESI energy case, also take a look at what’s happening in TX with the Blue Hills Farm on the border. Windmills are not the save all, cure all environmental vaccine. There are risks and dangers to their operation. Also reported, seven out of ten windmill companies are Chinese owned. This is terrible for national security but on the other hand great news for the Uni-Party and the RINO’s in Congress and NCGA that are wringing their hands in excitement for more federal funds. I remember as a kid trying to save the dwindling bald eagle population but its 2022, it’s time to redesign the skyline and start slicing and dicing. We got tax money to spend and the CCP needs our support!
Sounds good! Also more high paying jobs and skills for the area.
Noitall makes good points. Green energy is just more energy produced by the US, fir the US.
yeh, it would be better if they just made radio island more condos so more people could move here right?
One of the many unintended results of the religion of the green new deal and renewable energy.
Shouldn't offshore wind farms be where the dense population centers are (i.e. NYC, Charleston, Boston, Miami, etc.)? Unless the plan is to send it to Raleigh, Charlotte areas, etc though it may not be long before we can use it here the way our coast is being developed. Although paving over Radio Island can't be environmentally appropriate guess it's no worse than taking up millions of acres of farm and woodland nationwide with solar panels not to mention development of every square inch of coast for the almighty dollar. Our little paradise has already been transformed from somewhat natural to rooftops, pavement, concrete, etc. Goodbye Carteret County of yesteryear and hello dense population, traffic and all the other problems. Wonder how they fair in hurricanes? Guess if necessary rebuild them like everything else then stack and haul the trash to the local landfill. Might need that whole-house backup generator with backup to the backup portable generator more than ever if propane and gas are still available. Don't know how we survived in times gone by. What's worse nowadays is you may not be able to get your blood pressure med if the computers are down.
a/c power is sent over long distance at extreme high voltage, with very little loss. So moving power around is not an issue. Carteret county of yesteryear is already gone. Green energy is not some foul plot, no matter what the Billions spent by fossil fuel companies to convince you say.
As a country, we are complete hypocrites. Within a couple of years, we went from banning plastic straws so we could “save the turtles” to ignoring the billions of worthless non-biodegradable masks floating in the ocean because of COVID. Locally, you can’t drive on certain beaches because of nesting migratory birds but we ignore how these birds are going arrive here through the rhythmic slicing rotation of a windfarm. Come on folks, let us move away from the bickering about the “oh so terrible looking” floating oyster farms in Bogue Sound and install Chinese manufactured wind mills to make the sunset cocktails even more enjoyable for the elitist of Carteret.
I’m sure this idea of a wind farm will be adopted and everyone will celebrate the efforts of the deal brokers. Multiple environmental studies will be conducted and the scientist hired will tell us through informative graphs that everything is effectively safe. “We are in a climate crisis and we need to take it seriously, stop spreading disinformation information.”
As we move unquestionably forward, it’s important to know of the wind turbine company that pleaded guilty to three counts of violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The company was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay more than $8 million in fines and restitution after at least 150 eagles were killed over the past decade at its wind farms in eight states.
While you’re looking into ESI energy case, also take a look at what’s happening in TX with the Blue Hills Farm on the border. Windmills are not the save all, cure all environmental vaccine. There are risks and dangers to their operation. Also reported, seven out of ten windmill companies are Chinese owned. This is terrible for national security but on the other hand great news for the Uni-Party and the RINO’s in Congress and NCGA that are wringing their hands in excitement for more federal funds. I remember as a kid trying to save the dwindling bald eagle population but its 2022, it’s time to redesign the skyline and start slicing and dicing. We got tax money to spend and the CCP needs our support!
""the pristine island will become a concrete launching pad for “green energy projects.” ONLY if the years of spilled petro and JP$ jet fuel spills are cleaned up
First of all , this is just proposed . Will it proceed , not without a struggle .
If this off shore wind thing is so wonderful , why are the rich , famous and political folks fighting so hard to not have it in or around their playgrounds ? Some of you know who and where I am referring to . Hint , Cape Wind . Do start there .
Just like the much hyped sea level rise kerfuffle , why is it that these same folks chose to spend untold millions to live at the water’s edge and or on islands ? Come on here , think rationally . You being played yer again ?
The trend has always been to locate undesirable businesses/industries away from where they live . Questions ?
I wonder if insurance will rebuild all those million dollar homes - or just buy them out? Hmm
Wind power will work - but will not power the grid without energy storage. Works well in specific local applications. Open the minds.
Is it really to save environment.Maybe its to attract copious amounts of money for hair brain ideas.Potassium iodide.
Right on target Doc. Can't let the CCP go wanting for anything. They need all they call get from us because of the extreme lockdown brought on by them and what they released hoping to destroy us. They ain't done with us yet. In the meantime we need to destroy ourselves while enriching the world's Leftists and Elitists.
Let's drill the ocean floor. Got plenty of oil there.
I get it Doc . This could be the equivalent of European gas and oil controlled by the Russians . Why on earth would our government allow this to happen ? We know that bungles biden is not of sound mind so who are the others involved in the approval of all this ?
Kill chips could have been installed and would then shut them down on cue . They exist and it could happen .
Diabolical chineese kill switches, the mass extinction of birds, support for the ccp, is no one going to mention windmill cancer?
It would be nice to let some of the property owners on RI know that their property will be covered in concrete.
Diabolical switches , well , used to disable rockets that stray off course so could be used for other things as well . China buys all the oil and coal it can find while selling us windmills and solar panels . Do not have to be a weatherman to see which way the wind blows on that one .
When I see that bungles has installed windmills and solar on the White House and Al Gore has done the same perhaps I might rethink things . Both have not !
These green projects are mostly greed projects funded by supposedly well meaning idiots and paid for by John Q Public .
Our tactical military vehicles to be electric is another idiotic move . Please stop the war so we can plug in our vehicles and recharge them . Yeah , idiots ! Products of our educational system , they are .
Plenty of petroleum still untapped on this planet - no shortage in our lifetimes.Can't live without it or the chaos of a sudden stop. But lets use it at arms length.
In the early 80's i worked on diesel electric ships for DOD. A small diesel runs big generator, that power is run through a rectifier and powers large powerful dc motors. 36 of them were built because they were so successful, we could go 6 months or longer between refueling. After the fall of the soviet union most of them were sold off and are still in service today. ( USNS Stalwart class) my current employer has 2 chevy volts in the fleet they operate on a similar principle, seat 4 adults comfortably, the small gas engine runs intermittently, it can power the drive train but its primary purpose is to keep the battery charged. they are quite peppy and fun to drive get 75 miles to the gallon and most of the time are silent.
Your contention that " stop the war so we can plug in our vehicles " just has no basis in fact. A quiet powerful vehicle that can go 5x the distance not tethered to a fuel convoy is the reality. Why let facts get in the way of a nice visual of a battle tank plugged into a wall outlet?
It is also clear from 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war, and the current situation in Ukraine that the age of heavy armor is, if not dead then at deaths door.
While I would agree with your statement that heavy armor is on the way out , it is still a viable way to wage war . Battery power will work OK on smooth roads and seas but in an off the road battle environment it will leave you looking for the closest battle charging station . Which you will not find . Remember , said battery powers ALL the functions of this vehicle . Much easier to dump a load of fuel into the tank than to disassemble , remove and replace battery , reassemble and go on killing while bombs and bullets whiz on by . Sometimes old school is the best school for the situation . Then there is talk about battery powered military transport aircraft . Yup , just full of good ideas they are .
Lol stuck on batteries are ye? Diesel electric is not using batteries, it is using a small diesel to run a big generator.
I guess actual facts are secondary to imaginary problems that allow folks to naysayers anything they perceive as modern or progressive, or God forbid " green"
Finally the idea people have lost their minds.Now you know what corporate crazy insane entails.
Don't know about minesweepers but no more hybrids for me.
Guess he is advocating replacing diesel powered tanks with Prius powered tanks . Ha , ha , try to imagine how this would work . Engine powers big generator that powers vehicle and accessories all the while fighting off adversaries . Putt , putt , boom , putt , putt , oops , boom .
Not only are the crews risking death from explosion but electrocution as well . All in a battle field environment . A new GREEN battlefield environment interspersed with splashes of red .
Now you know what the brightest minds in the present administration are all about . Whatever one tries to destroy another thinks they can destroy it faster . A true ship of fools running on battery power or in some cases diesel/electric , like the diesel part is green . Or is it ?
Actually bio diesel is a part of " green", and a small amount of fuel of whatever type creating a large amount of electricity, that does the work of a large amount of fuel is a sound idea.
And crude oil comes from long dead plants . Sooooo , with that in mind , crude is the original green fuel/energy source . Alge , plants , tomatoes , tommatoes .
I know well about diesel/electric , thanks to the us navy . Works well for sustained sweet spot speeds and relatively efficient . Believe that Obama volunteered the military to try bio fuels . Hideously expensive at the time but it worked . Have not heard a whisper about if it is still in use . Still internal combustion so emissions still result . No way to eliminate that .
One of the benefits of wars/conflicts today is that the propulsion wonks can see if their war stuff really works in the field . Battle tested as they say . Often leads to new technology .
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