Province of Manitoba | News Releases | West Perimeter Highway Southbound at Portage Avenue will be Temporarily Reduced to a One-Lane Roadway for Construction from May 24 to 27

2022-05-21 00:45:06 By : Mr. Mr Jason

Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure reports traffic will be delayed along the west Perimeter Highway (Provincial Trunk Highway 101) southbound at Portage Avenue with the start of a construction project on May 24 and continuing until approximately May 27, weather permitting. 

Traffic will be reduced to one lane southbound from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and reopened to two lanes when crews are not on site. 

A safety flag crew will be present to direct traffic, as required. The speed limit will be reduced to 60 km/h while workers are present and 80 kilometres per hour (km/h) if travelling on a milled surface and workers are not present. 

The southbound lanes of the west Perimeter Highway to the westbound Portage Avenue exit ramp 42B will be closed periodically during the project. A detour will be provided when the ramp is temporarily closed. 

The project will involve milling, which is grinding and removing the existing road surface, then resurfacing with new asphalt pavement. 

Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure will update impacts to traffic through the Manitoba 511 information system at 

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