• How the World Economic Forum became the most exclusive party ever

    by admin on 2022-06-10 20:47:49

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    It’s the Super Bowl for the ultra-rich.

    Every year, up to 3,000 people flock to Davos, Switzerland, each paying $29,000 (plus a huge membership fee) to attend the five-day World Economic Forum, filled with panels,

  • Low-carbon aviation fuels are on the horizon. But for now, activists say we need to stay grounded | Environment | The Guardian

    by admin on 2022-06-10 20:47:47

    Fuel made from waste and synthetic ‘e-fuels’ could reduce emissions significantly but scaling up quickly will be an immense challenge

    Why it’s so hard to electrify shipping and aviation – interactive

    A powder blue airplane flew from London to Glasgow in September to del

  • Start your engines! | Penn State Altoona

    by admin on 2022-06-10 20:47:40

    College is not all classes and bookwork. Sometimes it can mean racing around a track in an off-road car you helped build, mud flying, your heart pounding as you bounce inside the harnesses keeping you in place. And yet this, for all the fun it is, is still an opportunity for learning. By the t

  • Zeus Arc GTS Hub Review – Dry herb vaporizer with a unique grinder and pod system

    by admin on 2022-06-10 20:47:31

    The Zeus Arc GTS Hub is a good all in one solution. Being a novice, it worked quite well for me giving me everything I needed to get going and the super simple grinding and pod loading. The compact and sealed design seem to make this good for being used when out and about and generally more di

  • The Vagner in GTA Online: An affordable racing machine

    by admin on 2022-06-10 20:47:30

    Supercars are one of the most sought-after vehicle classes in GTA Online. Every racer in the game wants at least one supercar where they can drive and display their racing skills. This is because almost all of the supercars in the game have the best performance and top speed compared to any ot

  • Science | AAAS

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    © 2022 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All rights reserved. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER.

  • Ethanol’s Own SAF Runway | EthanolProducer.com

    by admin on 2022-06-10 20:46:12

    The production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is about to take off. Airline groups, government agencies and tech developers are all aligning to utilize low-carbon, biobased jet fuel for a market that currently requires 106 billion gallons per year. The U.S. Energy Information Administratio

  • “What Fun Music!” comes back to the Forum | WSKG

    by admin on 2022-06-10 20:46:08

    WSKG (https://wskg.org/what-fun-music-comes-back-to-the-forum/)

    The WFM Festival Orchestra offers a concert of light classics, film music, and a “pick the conductor” contest.  Music Director Daniel Fabricius and orchestra member David Ripic join us to talk about the c

  • An artist bought a building and spent 22 years creating a massive mural honoring American workers. It’s soon open for viewing – Hartford Courant

    by admin on 2022-06-10 20:46:07

    The American Mural Project, a massive mural that celebrates workers, was started 22 years ago by artist Ellen Griesedieck in an old mill in Winsted, where she is pictured Thursday. The project's first phase has been completed and will open to the public on June 18. (Cloe Poisson / Special to

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    (WJET/WFXP/YourErie.com) — Edinboro University of Pennsylvania will host Boro Fest this weekend in downtown Edinboro.

    Boro Fest 2022 will be held over two days, beginning at 5 p.m. on April 29, followed by disc golf fu