OCHN releases Request for Quotation for medical grade air purifiers | Royal Oak, MI Patch

2022-08-08 01:47:00 By : Ms. wendy wang

This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Oakland Community Health Network is requesting proposals from qualified proposers for the following items:

IQ Air HealthPro Plus (Qty of 45)

IQ Air HealthPro Plus – Medical-Grade Air Purifier with HyperHEPA Filter for Particles, Gases, & Odors – Bacteria, Viruses, Airborne Contaminants, Allergens, Pets, Asthma Triggers, Smoke, Pollen, Dust; Swiss Made, White or equivalent. If equivalent, vendor shall state make, model and manufacturer and provide spec sheet. Make/Model Quoted

Requirements for Quotation: Quotations must be submitted on attached form only to: winstonj@oaklandchn.org. Unit prices must be fixed and firm and must include shipping and delivery. Items are subject to review by OCHN. Vendor shall state list price, unit price, and total on each description. Please provide lead time.

OCHN participates in the following cooperative purchasing organizations: MIDeal, OMNIA Partners/U.S. Communities and NASPO.

To be eligible to submit a quotation, a completed Request for Quotation must be emailed to Juanita Winston, at winstonj@oaklandchn.org, by 4:00 p.m. EST, August 12th, 2022.

Electronic submission MUST include the following subject line: RFQ 374-2022 medical grade air purifier with warranty Request for Quotation.

For complete information, select the link and then the paperclip.

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