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FOR SATURDAY CITY AND TOWN The North Attleboro Fire Dept. took delivery Thursday of a brand new E-One engine truck. The new firetruck, Engine 5, will replace the aging Engine 1. The $665,000 apparatus is completely outfitted with new tools and hoses. The truck can pump up to 1,500 gallons of water per minute. The firetruck will be put into service in August after fire dept. members under go training.
FOR SATURDAY CITY AND TOWN The North Attleboro Fire Dept. took delivery Thursday of a brand new E-One engine truck. The new firetruck, Engine 5, will replace the aging Engine 1. The $665,000 apparatus is completely outfitted with new tools and hoses. The truck can pump up to 1,500 gallons of water per minute. The firetruck will be put into service in August after fire dept. members under go training.
NORTH ATTLEBORO — The driver of a milling machine struck a utility pole on Pine Tree Drive Monday afternoon, snapping it in half and knocking out power to the neighborhood.
The accident occurred about 1:20 p.m. and sent power lines and a transformer crashing down onto the roadway. Oil spilled from the transformer but did not flow into any storm drains, Fire Chief Chris Coleman said.
Pine Tree Drive is off Pine Cone Lane, which is off Mount Hope Street.
Officials had to shut the road down to make repairs to the pole.
The driver was working for a private company doing work in the area, according to the fire chief.
The federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration was notified of the accident. The cause of the crash was under investigation by police.
David Linton may be reached at 508-236-0338.
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