Clamping for small workpieces; Tool grinding machine; Updated CAD/CAM software
The WPS Mini 40mm workpiece positioning system features manual Zero Point clamping for small workpieces requiring quick part changeover and is suitable for 5-axis machining with milling, measuring, or grinding operations. An emphasis on flexibility and speed reduces setup time by 90%.
Zero Point clamping attaches the unit directly to the workpiece, providing maximum holding force of 25kN and repeatability of <0.005mm. Single quick actuation provides rapid open and closing with a 270° rotation. The WPS Mini is sealed against dirt and swarf for extended service life. It can be used with standard WPS/APS (automatic positioning system) modules with specially designed clamping pins and adapters used for workpiece clamping or top mounting that is case hardened with corrosion-resistant coating.
Model ONE 5-axis flexible tool & cutter grinding machine is for grinding rotary and stationary cutting tools in small and large batch production, for custom cutting tools, and for resharpening.
The model was designed so any options can be upgraded and retrofitted at any time during the life of the machine.
The machine’s high thermal stability is due to an innovative machine design and rigid 5-axis configuration. Field tests have demonstrated an unusually high Cpk process capability, of particular importance when grinding short-run custom tooling where accuracy and first-tool-good are critical. Linear motion technology ensures outstanding surface finishes both on radius and other primary reliefs as well as flute finish. Inclusion of the Numroto software platform offers the user high-performance tool design and intuitive programming for many applications.
The synchronous spindle, running at maximum 40% power draw or less, doesn’t release heat into the machine or grinding process, delivering consistent grinding and thermal stability.
hyperMILL 2022.1 offers medical manufacturers NC programming in applications for 2.5D, 3D, and 5-axis machining, especially when speed, precision, and flexibility are critical.
Enabling uninterrupted cutting, hyperMILL 3D and 5-axis equidistant finishing for machining surfaces with a uniform 3D infeed delivers very fine surface finishes when used in combination with high-precision surface mode and smooth overlap techniques.
The hyperMILL 5-axis swarf cutting and barrel cutter capabilities are ideal for slightly curved surfaces such as bone plates. This functionality significantly reduces machining time and optimizes surface finishes.