Kingpin Is The Perfect Villain To Fix Phase 4's Crossover Problem

2022-08-08 01:50:07 By : Ms. Anne Zhang

Vincent D'Onofrio is returning in the MCU as the Kingpin, and his links to both Daredevil and Spider-Man give him unique crossover possibilities.

The return of Wilson Fisk a.k.a. The Kingpin in the MCU could resolve the crossover issue that have been a problem for Phase 4. Vincent D'Onofrio's ruthless Wilson Fisk returned on Disney+'s Hawkeye in December of 2021, with both he and Charlie Cox confirmed to return as Fisk and Daredevil in the upcoming series Echo. Despite this, their return has been the most solidified crossover news Marvel has had in some time.

Marvel's Phase 4 has faced a fair amount of criticism for its apparent lack of visible build-up to a larger crossover, especially in comparison with the Infinity Saga that made up Phases 1 through 3. Spider-Man: No Way Home (in which Cox made his first post-Daredevil MCU appearance in a Matt Murdock cameo) has been by far the biggest MCU event following Avengers: Endgame, bringing all three cinematic Spider-Men together in a Multiverse-opening story. Still, for crossovers and team-ups being such a staple of Marvel, the MCU has had some trouble in Phase 3, an issue that, among other mistakes, D'Onofrio's Kingpin can easily avoid.

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Aside from being generally acclaimed in his performance throughout Daredevil, D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk stands apart from most MCU villains on many levels, not the least of which is the empire of organized crime he oversees. This also gives Fisk the ability to act as a common enemy for multiple Marvel heroes, making him the perfect conduit for a series of crossovers. Naturally, two in particular instantly spring to mind from the rest – Spider-Man and Daredevil.

Following three seasons of Daredevil, Fisk's status as an enemy of Matt Murdock is well established. D'Onofrio's Hawkeye appearance also establishes Fisk's ability to serve as a villain for more Earth-bound conflicts in crossing paths with Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld). Then, of course, there's the New York's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

Beginning as a Spider-Man villain long before his association with Daredevil, Fisk as Spidey's next villain could be the next big crossover of characters from Marvel's streaming shows and movies, and even give the Kingpin his Disintegrator Cane. The ending of No Way Home even leaves Peter Parker (Tom Holland) in a situation where battling the Kingpin could be the most logical next villain for him. Above all, Daredevil and Spider-Man having a common enemy in the Kingpin provides all the material needed for a team-up of the two heroes.

The Kingpin becoming a major MCU villain could certainly be where D'Onofrio's future as Wilson Fisk may take him. While there are other villains Daredevil should face first before his and Fisk's next confrontation, the Kingpin as a rising threat in New York City is bound to draw his heroic concern, and that of other heroes like Spider-Man and Kate Bishop. On top of Wilson Fisk introducing organized crime into the MCU, him commanding such power as The Kingpin also makes him more prepared to be a crossover villain that the MCU has not had since Thanos.

NEXT: No Way Home Might Not Stop Daredevil Knowing Spider-Man's Secret Identity

Growing up, Brad developed an innate love of movies and storytelling, and was instantly enamored with the world of adventure while following the exploits of Indiana Jones, Japanese kaiju, and superheroes. Today, Brad channels his thoughts on all manner of movies, from comic book films, sci-fi thrillers, comedies, and everything in between through his writings on Screen Rant. Brad also offers philosophical musings on martial arts and the filmographies of everyone from Jackie Chan to Donnie Yen on Kung Fu Kingdom, where he's also had the privilege of interviewing many of the world's great stunt professionals, and hearing plenty of gripping stories on injuries incurred in their line of work and the intricacies of designing the acts of death defiance he first thrilled to as a youngster. When he's not writing, Brad enjoys going on a ride with the latest action hit or Netflix original, though he's also known to just pop in "The Room" from time to time. Follow Brad on Twitter @BradCurran.