Canadian Man Shows Us An... Interesting Method For Saving Seeds That You Won't Want To Miss - Home & Garden News

2022-09-09 20:36:08 By : Ms. Amy Li

Saving your seeds is a great way to start your season off right, especially if you have some plants or vegetables that you have come to love and that produce well, or you just don’t want to have to make a run to the store for new seeds when planting season rolls around.

Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as just plucking seeds off of your plants when they are fully mature. Many critters out there will snap up seeds, especially the closer to fall and winter that we get, leaving you with little recourse.

Well Brandon Koruna, a TikTok creator from Canada, has one brilliant, if a little unusual, hack for saving your own seeds. Now, we will warn you. You might be a little shocked (and a lot amused) by the content of this video. We were left laughing, and you will be too by the end.

You see, Brandon is someone who obviously is comfortable with himself, and he starts off the video in a t-shirt and very bare legs. Luckily they don’t stay that way for long, and it… somewhat makes sense, when he tells us what his solution for keeping seeds away from hungry birds and other animals.

His secret? Pantyhose. Yep, your average, run-of-the-mill wad of pantyhose. Cheap and effective, this solution is one you can start using immediately after a single trip to your local big box or dollar store.

Take your pantyhose and cut them into smaller sections then head on out to the plant that you are wanting to save seeds from. Carefully open up the leg of the pantyhose and slide it over the flowering end, then tie off the ends beneath and above the bud. This will allow it to continue to get airflow and sunlight, but will also prevent the seeds from falling out or down to the ground, or getting eaten by pests.

And then all you have to do is let the plant mature then snip it off when ready and store somewhere cool and dry for the next planting season! That’s it! And while Brandon assures us that no neighbors were scarred in the making of this video, we can’t say the same thing for the rest of our viewers!