ALIA by beta technologies, an electric vertical aircraft that can carry 1,500 pounds

2022-07-22 20:24:00 By : Ms. Murphy Jiang

South Burlington-based company Beta Technologies is creating an electric transportation ecosystem that’s safe, reliable and sustainable. At the heart of this system is ALIA, an electric vertical aircraft, which can carry 1,500 pounds of cargo or up to six people. 

The aircraft is the result of 3 years of precise design and development. ALIA takes inspiration from the Arctic tern. Terns migrate further than any other bird, visiting every ocean and the vicinity of every continent on earth. ALIA began as a simple sketch, designed on basic principles of engineering to fly in the most efficient manner possible. Its ability to take off and land vertically and then transition to long-range flight is a defining characteristic.

In March 2021, BETA advanced to the next phase of flight testing, completing an interstate flight with ALIA from its Plattsburgh, NY home airport test facility to the company’s headquarters on the grounds of Burlington International Airport in South Burlington, VT. In the same week, ALIA flew its first interstate flight, the aircraft set a new Beta record for endurance, range, and altitude.

‘Zero emissions aviation is a critical part of turning the corner on climate change, and we are thrilled that our investors see our electric aviation system as a meaningful step towards this ambitious goal,’ Kyle Clark said in a news release.

Beta’s ALIA aircraft, which will be capable of flying 250 nautical miles on a single charge and carrying six people, or a pilot and 1,500 pounds, includes a novel combination of elements that create a smooth and quiet flying experience. In addition to being more than ten times quieter than a helicopter and much quieter than cars on a highway, ALIA produces zero operational emissions. The large wings, clean design, and simple propulsion system are based on first principle engineering. The company philosophy is to reduce risk in certifying its first commercial aircraft through simplification.

Since its announcement, Beta has unveiled several partnerships. UPS announced the reservation of 150 aircrafts and charging stations to enhance its air service; Blade Urban Mobility ordered 5 ALIA aircrafts to be delivered in 2024 and an option for up to 20 more. Blade will use these aircraft for a diverse set of mission profiles, from five-minute airport transfers to longer distance commuter routes; The United States Air Force will continue to partner with BETA on the Agility Prime Program, wherein ALIA has secured the first eVTOL airworthiness approval for a manned electric aircraft; and United Therapeutics will use BETA aircraft as air taxis to transport its synthetic organs for human transplant.

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