A recent fire at the city of Fort Collins' mulch pile didn't totally put a damper on the city's annual Free Mulch Day.
The event has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 21, and free mulch is available now at several city parks. Though a fire that broke out in late April led to cancellation of the first planned mulch event, city forestry staff determined there was still enough mulch to provide to the community. The fire at Fort Collins' crushing operations facility, 1380 Hoffman Mill Road, started spontaneously after a prolonged period of dry, windy weather.
Free Mulch Day will take place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 1380 Hoffman Mill Road. City staff will offer loading assistance with a front-end loader, but visitors will need to bring their own open-top vehicle or trailer and cover their mulch loads when they leave. The city won't provide free mulch to commercial businesses.
Self-load mulch is also available now at several sites as long as supplies last. Those sites are City Park, Edora Park, Fossil Creek Park, Rolland Moore Park and Spring Canyon Park. The year-round self-load sites at Timberline Recycling Center and Gardens on Spring Creek also remain open.
For more details, visit fcgov.com/forestry.
Jacy Marmaduke covers government accountability for the Coloradoan. Follow her on Twitter @jacymarmaduke. Support her work and that of other Coloradoan journalists by purchasing a digital subscription today.