In the last few years, trends such as upcycling have seen many people repurpose old objects for renewed use. Recent events have made engineers have to think outside the box to repurpose several objects, including a snorkel mask, into ventilators.
While none of the repurposed machines or objects in the list below can be said to serve such a lofty purpose, some will make you laugh, some might make you marvel at their ingenuity, and some will likely fall somewhere in between.
Be sure to let us know which ones you think are amazing and which are just pure abominations.
There are bad car mods, and then there are bad car mods. It might be useful though at a pinch if your car breaks down in a desert or desolate tundra — that's in the very unlikely event that you could get it anywhere in the first place.
How would you like your beef? Jet engine seared, please. If there was an award for the most epically barbecued hot dogs and burgers, it would go to the ones made on this grill, which was made out of a jet engine.
A team from Delta Airlines TechOps team in Atlanta, Georgia, developed this impressive creation out of scrap parts from a Pratt & Whitney PW2000 jet engine from a Boeing 757.
If you thought the Cybertruck was the weirdest-shaped Tesla, well... you're right. But this converted Model 3 pickup truck might just come as a close second. The modification was made by a YouTuber whose video predictably went viral.
One very crafty person decided to put unused light bulbs to good use by turning them into miniature greenhouses. Anyone can do the same thing by carefully cutting small holes into the glass and filling them with soil and small plants or seedlings.
Molten slag is an incredibly difficult material to deal with, due in no small part to its great resemblance to lava. A group of clever engineers at a steel mill came up with this solution — all you need is a handy tank lying around.
As per the BBC, 50 million tonnes of e-waste generated every year will more than double to 110 million tonnes by 2050. A few people have clever solutions to this problem.
Take, for example, this PC tower, which was cleverly converted into a retro-looking coffee machine. It might not be as high-tech as the espresso machine on the ISS, but if it can brew compressed coffee ground as well as it used to compress files, we're sure it'll do a good job.
Located at Potts Naturpark Brauerei in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, this bed and breakfast allows guests to sleep inside huge old beer barrels.
One object you probably wouldn't think of when asked what you think sunglasses have been made from is a skateboard. And yet, a crafty creator over at Made Man made a set of cool specs out of an old skateboard as part of a series called "One Man's Trash".
Another car mod that is so incredibly terrible that it might also be considered a genius creation — we'll let you decide. Aptly posted on subreddit Shitty Car Mods, this basketball taillight most likely won't be fooling anyone.
Looking for an unconventional holiday? We might have just what you're looking for.
An innovative group got together and repurposed a decommissioned helicopter into a luxury mini-hotel.
Trash Amps use soda cans and glass jars as amplifiers for their DIY-style Bluetooth speakers — another great method for repurposing objects that would otherwise go to waste.
This repurposed bike wheel reading lamp would make a great gift for any cycling enthusiasts in your life — maybe buy it for them alongside a book about the Tour de France or, better yet, one of these engineering reads.
A resourceful team of engineers at Samsung put some old Galaxy S5 models to good use by using them to build a bitcoin mining rig that they say is "environmentally responsible."
This replica Tesla Cybertruck was filmed in Russia only a short while after the real thing was unveiled. As one online commenter put it, "wasted no time making that, huh."
Someone else replied, "not like there’s intricate shapes to replicate." Quite.
Tired of texting? Space engineer Justine Haupt was. That's why she found an old rotary dial and repurposed it into a working modern-day cellphone — while leaving out all the smart time-wastey pieces they add in these days.
The body of a guitar is typically made from a finely crafted piece of wood that is chosen for the qualities it gives the instrument's sound. A maple wood guitar neck, for example, gives a brighter sound, while rosewood gives a warmer, mellower tone.
This all begs the question, what sound does an iPhone-made guitar body emit?
In the home stretch. #volkspod #volksrod #minibike #vw #handmade #fabrication
Una publicación compartida de Brent Walter (@walter_werks) el 27 Oct, 2019 a las 3:32 PDT
These amazing vintage-style 'Volkspod' scooters were created by custom build specialist, Brent Walter.
All finished up. #volkspod #vw #vwbeetle #minibike #volkswagen #handmade
Una publicación compartida de Brent Walter (@walter_werks) el 1 Nov, 2019 a las 1:32 PDT
Walker used an original Volkswagen Beetle Type 1s or the 'Bug,' and the fenders from each corner of the car to build the scooters. Using old parts of a car and turning them into mini scooters isn't a type of vehicle mod we see very often — we take our hats off.
So what do you think? Are the creations worth the time spent on them? Could you see yourself using any of them, or would the materials have been better off sent to a scrap pile?