Pet stores banned from selling dogs, cats and rabbits in New York state to stop puppy mill breeding | Daily Mail Online

2022-08-08 01:46:41 By : Ms. Olivia Zeng

By Lizzie May For Mailonline

Published: 11:31 EDT, 8 June 2022 | Updated: 11:36 EDT, 8 June 2022

New York State has passed a bill which bans pet shops from selling dogs, cats and rabbits in a bid to stop the sale of cruelly bred dogs.

The ASPCA's Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill is now waiting for state Governor Kathy Hochul's signature, and once done, they say will 'finally end the sale of cruelly bred puppy mill dogs'.  

New York has one of the country's highest concentrations of pet stores that sell puppies, half of which are from Missouri, which is considered to be the leading puppy mill state in the US.

Matt Bershadker, ASPCA's President and CEO, said: 'Shutting down the puppy mill pipeline will help stop retail sellers and commercial breeders from engaging in and profiting from unconscionable brutality.'

New York State has passed a bill which bans pet shops from selling dogs, cats and rabbits in a bid to stop the sale of cruelly bred dogs (file photo)

Assembly member championing the bill, Linda B. Rosenthal, said of the ban: 'Puppy mills breed cruelty. Banning the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in New York pet stores will deal the puppy mill-to-pet store pipeline a near-mortal blow.

'The cute puppies, kittens, and bunnies in pet store windows mask a sad reality: these animals are products of horrific neglect in puppy mills.

'Puppy, kitty, and bunny mills use and abuse animals to churn out pets for sale, which are often riddled with congenital diseases that cost unsuspecting consumers hundreds or thousands of dollars in veterinary bills and incalculable emotional stress,' she said in a statement.

Senate Deputy Majority Leader, Michael Gianaris, added: 'With so many good animals in need of rescue, there is no need for abusive puppy mills to supply pet stores. Our four-legged companions should be treated with respect, not like commodities.'

The ASPCA's Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill is now waiting for state Governor Kathy Hochul's (pictured) signature, and once done, they say will 'finally end the sale of cruelly bred puppy mill dogs'

Celebrities have been pushing for the bill to become legislation along with the ASPCA, including Edie Falco, who told of how her dog Sami was a recue from a puppy mill: 'She spent two years living in a box, in the dark, without a name and was forced to have puppies who were sold to pet tores.

'I'm grateful that New York lawmakers have taken action to protect other dogs from the horrific conditions Sami endured just to keep the cruel breeding industry in business.'

Other celebrities chiming in their support of the bill was actors Alec Baldwin, Justin Theroux and Kristin Chenoweth.

Iowa dog breeder Daniel Gingerich is said to face criminal charges after 514 dogs were discovered in unsanitary conditions in at least six of his mills

Animals were found dead, sick, or injured during the course of the six-month investigation in Iowa

The starving animals were also seen covered in matted fur and skin lesions, like this pup, pictured

In November last year, just south of Missouri, where half of New York's puppies sold in pet stores, an Iowa puppy mill owner agreed to surrender over 500 dogs after he had hoarded them in unsanitary conditions. 

Daniel Gingerich, of Seymour, Iowa, faces criminal charges after failing to provide proper nutrition, water and veterinary assistance for the dogs while in his care.

Multiple dogs were discovered dead, malnourished, or injured at six of his mills across the state.

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