Cover Story | Volume 17 - Issue 1 | January/February 2022
A five-step process to effectively implement change in the lab
A five-step process to effectively implement change in the laboratory
Knowledge transfer is an important yet often overlooked component of succession plans
University of Akron’s National Polymer Innovation Center helps industry leaders and labs understand next-gen materials and build new products
Taking a purposeful approach to identifying your leadership style can help you adapt and evolve in your role
Nurture the talents of individual team members to build trust and strengthen outcomes
Lab managers need to be persistent role models of proper safety practices to ensure staff follow suit
Chemical recycling methods and the development of novel polymers can have a significant impact on global plastic waste
Polymers are being engineered for diverse products in our daily lives
Not all antibodies work. Learn how to optimize them
Many foods and beverages might one day come from labs instead of farms
Analyzing the costs, features, and footprint of flow cytometers
Because vacuum pumps are such a crucial part of many labs, it's essential to keep this equipment in top shape
A few of the 2022 Pittcon award winners describe the advancements their teams are making in analytical chemistry
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