Are you ready to undertake the gauntlet in Wildcat Gun Machine? Here's what you need to know.
A staple of many games is placing you in a room and expecting you to endure seemingly endless waves of enemies, and that's what Wildcat Gun Machine does. After you beat the final boss of Act Three, you'll be unceremoniously transported to Act Four, which puts you in a large square chamber with a Checkpoint Pillar at the center.
RELATED: Wildcat Gun Machine: Beginner Tips
Be careful though, because once you step away from the pillar, the gauntlet will begin. You'll need to survive several rounds of enemies and hazards whatever upgrades and weaponry you have as well as the few pickups that will spawn in the center at certain times.
At the beginning of the Act, you'll receive a new weapon called the Lightning Gun. This weapon does high damage, has a fast fire rate, and shoots bolts of lightning that ricochet off enemies. Since you'll be fighting huge groups at any given time, the lightning is very effective at bouncing around and hitting multiple enemies for tons of damage.
Towards the end, you'll get a weapon called the Super Shotgun that fires a long-range high-damage spread while also pulling enemies into it. Since the round that comes after you get it is full of boss enemies, the Super Shotgun is will help in clearing out the smaller enemies that spawn with them.
This is the final Act and thus the final group of Pistols becomes available. Of all the ones you can purchase, the Disintegrator Pistol is the best investment. Though it's not the highest damage, it fires an infinite beam across a long range.
This means that you're guaranteed to hit enemies no matter where they are in the area. What's even better is that you can use bullets to determine enemy locations and use the pistol to pick them off from afar while you continue moving.
Unlike the boss chambers, the Gauntlet Chamber doesn't have Ammo Refills lining the sides. This means you'll need to make your secondary ammo last as well as mainly using your pistol and grenades. Each round has several waves and every two to three waves, a pickup will spawn at the center of the chamber.
They can be temporary powerups, health pickups, or ammo refills. However, don't use them unless you absolutely need them. Focus on perfecting your skills so that the pickups can help you recover from any mistakes you make.
Even though there will be lots of enemies to kill during the gauntlet, the Gun Machine meter builds up slowly. Remember that the meter buildup doesn't carry between lives and you'll often be starting from zero. If you're lucky, you'll be able to activate the Gun Machine once per round on average.
Because of this, you should only use it if you're running very low on health or you want to quickly eliminate a tricky, but beefy enemy like the Shield Generator. It can also be used to safely get you to the center since you can collect pickups while in the Gun Machine.
As are the mechanics of the game, you have a Checkpoint Pillar that acts as a permanent respawn point and Respawn Cats that revive you where you fall. In previous acts, a Respawn Cat starts you outside the encounter that killed you and won't be restored until you revisit the Checkpoint Pillar.
If you do choose to Restart from the Checkpoint Pillar, every encounter will be reset. That's the case here: If you choose to restart at the checkpoint then the whole Gauntlet resets. Buy as many Cats as you can so you continuously start from your most recent round.
NEXT: Wildcat Gun Machine: Upgrade Guide
Will Quick is a game player, journalist, and content creator currently living in Spain. He's spent a lot of time working as a video editor and graphic designer for sites like Guide Fall and plans to continue his efforts for TheGamer. When he's not playing or writing, he's drawing comics and making puns.