Effective solutions for characterising, differentating and quantifying particle matter Envirotech Online

2022-09-02 20:29:41 By : Ms. Linda liu

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Are you looking for the source(s) of an environmental pollution and the implementation of abatement measures? Then, visit the Particle Vision booth at AQE and be inspired by unconventional but effective solutions for characterising, differentiating and quantifying dust/particulate matter (PM). The results will help define targeted dust reduction measures in urban, traffic, industrial, mining, construction, recycling, ports, etc. environments.  

The Particle Vision products and services include: passive and active sampling; in-house developed sampling substrates for characterisation of carbon-bearing particles; targeted analysis based on single particle (SEM/EDX) and bulk techniques (TOT, IC,…); particle classification based on machine-learning; and a special focus on source apportionment of primary particles (e.g. non-exhaust traffic-derived particles like tyre wear and brake wear, mineral particles from mining and quarrying, metallic particles from traffic and industry, etc.). 

Meet Particle Vision’s passionate experts to discuss customised measurement strategies tailored to specific questions and needs.  

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